Supreme court narrowly rules against Northern Ireland women free NHS abortions challenge Eleanor Sheerin 15 Jun News, Women
Don’t trade away long overdue abortion law reform in deal with DUP, Amnesty warns Eleanor Sheerin 13 Jun Civil liberties, News
Stop the revolving door: Howard League call on new government to end overuse of prison recalls Eleanor Sheerin 8 Jun News, Prisons
Placing female prisoners away from family is ‘discrimination’, rules Supreme Court Eleanor Sheerin 25 May News
Howard League launches legal challenge on behalf of boy held in cell 23 hours a day Eleanor Sheerin 25 Apr News, Prisons
Just 1% of prisoners’ allegations of discrimination against staff upheld Eleanor Sheerin 5 Apr News, Prisons
Teenage prisoner took life only hours after receiving deportation letter Eleanor Sheerin 31 Mar News, Prisons
Immigration tribunal rejects Home Office attempt to delay refugee children seeking to be reunited with UK family Eleanor Sheerin 30 Mar Immigration, News