Defeat for DWP as Court of Appeal finds EU nationals facing destitution can receive Universal Credit Ha-lim Bashir 20 Nov Brexit, Immigration, Welfare benefits
Home Office’s ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy challenged on grounds of racial discrimination Douglas Ferreira 22 Mar Race, Welfare benefits
Households worse off on universal credit win court of appeal test case Jon Robins 13 May Austerity Justice, Welfare benefits
Supreme Court: Council tax consultation ‘unfair and unlawful’ Oliver Carter 4 Dec News, Welfare benefits
Worse than nothing: only 3.6% on work scheme found jobs Mary-Rachel McCabe 27 Feb Chris Grayling, Employment, Welfare benefits
Poundland ruling: is the government’s work scheme heading for the plug hole? Jon Robins 15 Feb Employment, Long Read, Welfare benefits
Playing divide and rule on welfare reform Mary-Rachel McCabe 24 Jan Debt, Long Read, Media, Welfare benefits