Children facing ‘endless delays’ in justice system convicted as adults Claire Friel 24 Jun Coronavirus, Young people
Review finds ‘widespread overuse’ of restraint in youth custody but stops short of calling for bani Madeleine Miller 22 Jun Prisons, Young people
Legal advice for children in police stations should be opt-out rather than opt-in Madeleine Miller 13 May Police, Young people
Children ‘set up to fail’ on release from custody, says watchdog Luis Lago 15 Oct Crime, Young people
The number of BAME young offenders in custody outstrips the number of white for first time Jon Robins 17 Jul Race, Young people
Legal challenge to protect child informants from ‘exploitation’ by police Jon Robins 11 Jun Criminal Justice, Young people
Hackney Council to pay £26,000 for failing to secure education for two disabled children Klara Slater 4 Jun Civil liberties, Young people
Court rules 17-year-olds in police custody to be treated as children Jon Robins 26 Apr Crime, Long Read, Police, Young people
Half a century of change: The evidence of child victims Mary-Rachel McCabe 22 Mar Children, Crime, Miscarriages of justice X, Young people
Rotherham: Child Sexual Abuse and Priorities