March 10 2025

Whistleblower’s diary: You say ‘potato’, I say ‘bollocks’

Whistleblower’s diary: You say ‘potato’, I say ‘bollocks’

One of the benefits, I suppose, of being currently unemployed, is that my garden looks really good. Another is the amount of quality time I am getting with my family, without the looming threat of each day being filled with nasty stuff…at least not any that is aimed at me directly.

That does not, however, mean that there isn’t quite a lot a floating around in the atmosphere.

After the drunken cowboys, Gove and May, had finished blowing their own limbs off at low noon, it seems that Boris has become jealous and decided to blast off his own head too. The Mayor has authorised a spend of several hundred thousand pounds, on a water cannon for the Met. Startlingly, water cannon has not yet been approved by the Home Secretary for deployment on the mainland AND the only people who seem to want it are the Met themselves.

Did you hear that thud? It was the sound of free protest, shitting a brick.

The Met continues to stagger from one fuck up to another, too.

First came the release of the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC) Police and Crime Committee minutes of the 13th of May, in which it was revealed that the MOPAC audit of crime recording had found no less than eight significant risks – ranging from ill defined governance and faulty policy to lack of oversight.

Confronted with this, Deputy Commissioner Craig Mackey decided to face up to the issue, with his arse, by saying: “Apart from that, is there anything in there?”

Substitute ‘anything’ for ‘anyone’ and it’s easier to answer. The lights are on, but it remains unclear whether anyone is home.

In the wake of this, I found myself thinking it would be timely for a Commissioner to spit out a line similar to that of Lord Condon, in the wake of the MacPherson Report. You know, some snivelling about “unknowing neglect”.

Clearly, Fairy Godmothers do exist, as Sir Bernard Hogan-Who announced an inquiry into the handling of sexual offences (yes, another one), seemingly attributing the problems to “unconscious bias”.

Unconscious bias, unknowing neglect. You say ‘potato’, I say ‘a load of bollocks’.

Timely, though, this announcement. It coincided with the announcement by the Home Office, that a new offence of corruption for police officers, with a sentence of up to 14 years, was being tabled. It’s a shame that this does not include politicians.

For me, however, the terrifying thing is that Professional Standards will be leading the charge, sending officers to prison with this new offence…you might not think this is so scary, but read up on the ‘TSG Six’ and listen to the thuds of your own shit, landing on free protest’s.

Anyway, I’m off to do some filming and, later, will be watching Mackey’s appearance, on the 10th, at the Home Affairs Select Committee. If Twitter is to be believed, when discussing little old me, someone said “his only crime was being in possession of the truth”.

I’m not sure that’s in the same bill as the new corruption offence, but I’m sure it’s nothing that a water cannon can’t fix.

But maybe it’s just me.

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